Age Verification at the Island Smoke Shop

Why we verify your age...
Tobacco is an age-restricted product. You must meet certain legal age requirements to purchase tobacco products online. We have partnered with a non-affiliated third party company to validate our customers' ages and verify their identities, thus fulfilling legal requirements for tobacco sales.

How do we do it?
We use a professional third-party service designed specifically to verify that all our customers are of legal age. Their data processing compares your information with multiple sources publicly available on-line and matches it with information gathered from billions of records. This is all done while completely securing your private information and getting the results in an instant.

What happens if we can't verify your age or identity?
A small percentage of shoppers may not be verifiable due to limited availability of public information in the age verification databases. If this happens, we will attempt to contact you via phone and email to verify your age. We typically require a copy of your driver's license or some other form of government issued ID that verifies your date of birth.

Other age restrictions...
In the U.S. you must be at least 21 years old to purchase tobacco products. We can not ship to states that prohibit the online sale of tobacco products.

103400 Overseas Hwy.
Key Largo, FL 33037
Telephone: (305) 453-4014
Store Hours: 10 - 6, Open 7 days.

Email us at
Click here for a map to our store.